Dr Madhu Chandratilleke

Dr Madhu Chandratilleke

Respiratory & Sleep Physician

Dr Madhu Chandratilleke graduated in Medicine from the University of Colombo in 2001. She then completed her MD in Medicine and was board certified as a Respiratory Physician in Sri Lanka in 2007.

After migrating to Australia in 2007, she worked in the Royal Brisbane Hospital and The Prince Charles Hospital (world recognised centres for clinical care and research in Respiratory Medicine). She passed the FRACP exams in 2009 and completed her advanced training in The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide and was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in December 2011.

She also trained in The Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health at the Repatriation General Hospital which is a highly regarded sleep service.

Her main research interests include non-medical management options for chronic airway disease. She provides consultation services for all respiratory and sleep related issues and performs bronchoscopy and pleural procedures.

Some of her interests include evaluation and management of;

  • Chronic airways disease
  • Lung cancer
  • Parenchymal lung disease
  • Obstructive sleep apnoea