
In due course we will put fee lists on this new website.  At the time of making your appointment, please ask about fees. 

Each doctor charges differently and gaps vary.  It is your responsibility to ask about the cost in advance of your appointment.  There is some Bulk Billing for some services or for some doctors or for some pensioners.  Ask.

Medicare would like you to register your bank details with them for swift EFT payment of your Medicare rebate.   Why would you want to wait 4-5 weeks for a cheque and then go to your bank to pay it in?    We have the form for you to complete and will supply an addressed envelope for you to post your details  to Medicare.

If you pay us with any ATM card that has a PIN, our EFTPOS machine is connected to Medicare and within 30 seconds of your payment, we can “swipe” the rebate back into the same account.  You can pay with a credit card but Medicare cannot put the rebate into a credit card account.   To use highly efficient method, therefore, you do need to bring an ATM card with a PIN to your appointment.